I need you now to ease his pain

I need you now to forgive his sins

I need you now to kill his demons

I need you now to fill him with hope

I need you now to give him health

I need you now to give him happyness

I need you now to reduce his ambitions

I need you now to destroy his ego

I need you now to make him display humility

I need you now to end his cribbing

I need you now to give him satisfaction

I need you now to end his mockery

I need you now to give him sight

I need you now to enlighten him

I need you now to fill his hollowness

I need you now to speak of kindness to him

I need you now to bless him with guidance

I need you now to make him re-account his favors not

I need you now to stop him from cursing aloud

I need you now to bring him peace

I need you now to fill him with love

I need you now to make him realize me


All Glory be Yours

Be more Merciful now

For I believe in You

For I have Faith in You

I beg You to listen to me now