There will be dark times ahead for me,
When I’ll break under the sheer enormity of load,
At those times be there, not out of sympathy or to help,
But to remind me, of who I once was,
When I had you not, I still made it through,
Now when I have you, how could things go wrong?
But so much will I be in pain and angst, that my self, shall desert me,
Be then my voice to God and plead for my salvation,
So that in eternity, shall I get to rest in peace…

Then there will be happy moments passing by,
And I alone will not be able to gather them,
At those moments be there, cherish them with me,
But do remind me of the trauma, I may have gone through,
As I had you, I have made it through,
Now that you are forever with me, everything will happen right!
But let me not exalt in this momentous happiness,
Be now my voice to God and thank Him for OUR bond,
So that beyond eternity, I shall get to be with YOU…


Will you be there for me in times so contrasting? Now that you know what it shall entail…